Few things can increase the curb appeal of a home, like a new paint job. It boosts value, stirs up a rare flavour of satisfaction, and becomes the starting point of conversations. However, this rewarding project can be taxing, especially for the inexperienced homeowner. That’s why I’ve put together these house painting tips that we’ve learned over the years.

Have a Decent Budget

The final price of painting a house depends on whether it’s a DIY or contract job that you’re going to call someone like these Handyman services NJ to come out and do. The paints’ price is often predictable, and it’s possible to hire expensive equipment from a hardware store. But the level of finish on a professionally painted house is nowhere close to a DIY job. So if you’re wanting a professional finish to the painting of your home, whether that’s externally or internally, be sure to research and contact many different professional House Painting companies that are local to you.

Paint contractors usually charge premium prices for changing the colour on any surface or when dealing with damaged walls. When changing a wall’s color, they have to prime it until the old paint fades away. That takes time, skill, and a lot of repetition. So, the general idea is to ask for quotes from several paint contractors before pulling the trigger.

Choosing the Best Paint

While there are only three primary colours (red, blue, and green), paint stores have thousands of hues to choose from – and that’s where things get complicated.

For best results, choose a colour that appeals to most people in the family. It can be the colour of a pillow, a scarf, or a paint job in another house. Just make sure it blends well with the rest of the stuff – furniture, floor, and doors. Whilst choosing the colour, it might be worth doing some research to see which colours to avoid. Some exterior paint colours can actually attract pests, so it’s important to choose colours that won’t bring pests to the house. If, after the painting is complete, the homeowner notices some pests around the house, they could always consider contacting https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/pest-control/ for help removing them.

Here’s how I do it:

I first scan through the paint strips to find the colours I have in mind. Doing that narrows the paints to 15 to 18 options as most paint strips feature six hues of the same colour.

Next, I make sure to get the right paint for interior and exterior works. Colour options meant for the interior cannot withstand the elements, so don’t make that mistake.

Should I Roll or Spray House Exterior?

Well, there’s no definitive answer to this. It all depends on the desired finish, the timeline, and available tools. It might be best to hire interior house painters to tackle the job; they will know whether spray or roller is better. Rolling is the only way to achieve high accuracy, while spraying comes in handy when looking to get the job done fast.

From my experience, rolling is the best way to paint walls. It gives the painter a chance to divide paint accurately, and the final result is usually of high quality. A sprayer might get the job done in less time, but the prep time and cleaning work required when working with a sprayer will cancel out any time advantage.

Create a Flow in Open Plan Spaces

Many DIY painters fall into the trap of painting different colours in an open space. That breaks up the continuity and might be distracting in some cases. Most designers recommend choosing warm (reds, yellows, oranges) or cool (greens, blues, and bright whites) colours for open-plan spaces.

To add a little life into the room, I recommend adding brightly coloured furniture, floors, and trimmings to break up the monotony. Some people have had great success using brightly coloured flowers to spice things up a bit.

Don’t Forget to Add an Accent Wall

If the house is a featureless open plan house, adding an accent wall is inevitable. It is the only way to add a dramatic edge to avoid dull results. The right formula would be to go three shades darker than the primary paint. The accent wall will make a statement, but it will not be too drastic.

I’ve also seen people create designs on accent walls with wood trimmings then paint it the same colour as the rest of the room. Others go ahead to contrast the trims with another colour to highlight the design. Both options look nice if done correctly, but they also take time.

Don’t Forget About the Primer

People tend to get excited about the actual colours and forget the primer responsible for bringing out the actual colours. Skipping this step might result in a dull look and an overall mediocre job. It is essential to prime when dealing with a previously painted wall. So, be sure to get a white or tinted primer for every painting project.

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